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2020. WTAF?

Where has the time gone?

In some ways, it feels like 2020 has dragged on forever, just an endless loop of sad news and restrictions. But, at the same time, it feels as though the year just flew by without much to show for it at all. We do have one or two things to report, though. Like...



Why Costa Rica?

Well, for starters, Costa Rica is a world in Carbon-Free initiatives. According to "Costa Rica's environmental credentials are impressive: more than 98 per cent of its energy is renewable, forest cover now stands at more than 53 per cent after painstaking work to reverse decades of deforestation and around a quarter of the country's land has been turned into protected parks and reserves."

Everything we've read, researched and experienced about Costa Rica says that this is the place for us! Where better to combine nature, wildlife, plants, health and meditation than in the abundant rainforest jungles of beautiful Costa Rica. Of course, thanks to the gremlins of 2020 (#fuckcovid) this won't be happening immediately, but the cogs are turning and moves are being made. We actually started this year in Central America, travelling around, reacquainting ourselves with the land. We did this as sort of a test run to see if it still spoke to our hearts. It did. And so, we committed to ourselves and to one another that we would make this dream a reality.

It's our hope to get back to CR asap - and resume our search for our forever home. This may come in the form of an existing house or it may be that we purchase a large plot of land and start our own homestead. Either way, it is going to be EPIC!!

We'll be using this platform to keep you all informed of our progress and share our plans as they evolve. We'll also be sharing some vegan recipes and information about vegan living along with tips on how you can help boost your immune system and stay healthy this winter.

If 2020 has taught us anything it is that life is so unpredictable. It can change on a dime and it is far too short. Today is the day to embrace your dreams.

I have a wall-hanging in my home that reads: Live life like it matters, and it will. Your life matters.

We're so excited to be sharing this journey with you all.

Stay safe. Respect each other.

Peace - Jen & Dave

OOPS...almost forgot.

We got married! It's been a crazy year!

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